About Us

We are a firm registered by name: LoopSys Technologies, and provide our services through a mobile application named Liter.

Liter is an Application which can be used by Dairy owner who are collecting milk in village as well as by dairy owners or persons who are selling milk in cities, also normal person who want to maintain their milk purchase records can also use this application.

It comes with many feature's such as:

  1. One can maintain purchase and sale record of milk simultaneously.
  2. Multiple rate list option of six types with one click rate list generation no need for manual entry for each FAT and SNF , auto deduction and increment per CLR.
  3. Product management with sales summary.
  4. Bill payable and receivables details month wise.
  5. Maintaining advance loan records for dairy owners.
  6. Bluetooth printing of customers bill and milk receipts.